I did something a little crazy this past weekend, and packed up the kids to visit our good friends in NC. The trip was about 5 hours drive time, and 1 half hour stop to change diapers. We know the Steele's from about 10 years together with Young Life in the Dominican Republic & it is funny that we are both stateside & can still hang out! God is good.
We got to talk, drink coffee, talk, visit their church, talk, & Scott took us to the original Krispy Kreme - it was wonderful. Stella really enjoyed it! Abi & GiGi had a blast finding their cats & Stella only got scratched once from petting a bit too hard. Their daughter Ellie was amazing with the twins & has the makings of a great babysitter.
Our only rough spot of the trip was on the way home. I got out to pump some gas, and realized that I needed to use the bathroom - I mean I REALLY needed to use the bathroom. What should I do? Take all 5 girls in with me? Keep the twins in their car seats & hope Stella held Abi's hand into the bathroom? Stella is not always cooperative. So I decided to have Abi hold one of the twins so that I could hold onto Stella, and the other twin - who I would keep in her car seat. As I got Abi & GiGi out, Chloe in her car seat out, I handed Claire to Abi, and as I went to get Stella out - Abi screamed. Claire had an exploding diaper, and Abi had poop all over her hand. She freaked out & rubbed her hand on my jeans as I tried to balance Stella & Chloe. This was NOT looking good & I still really had to . . .
In a jeep next to us sat a woman & in the backseat a child. She was watching this 'show', and when the poop surfaced she asked if she could help. Now I know we've all heard the horror stories that involve kids, but what should I do? I had poop on my pants, poop almost in my pants, 5 cranky kids - 3 of whom were poopy themselves - it all stank! So I left Abi & the twins with this woman & her child, and took Stella & GiGi to the bathroom with me. I went to the bathroom in record time, and when I got back everyone was there - and happy. I almost cried. Her husband had been inside buying ice, but they stayed & helped until everyone was changed & back in their car seats. I thanked them, and got in the car and praised God for sending them my way. Here was a complete stranger with her own 3 year old in the car & a fresh bag of melting ice - and yet they were willing to help a complete stranger, me, with too many kids to be able to go to the bathroom properly. I learned a lesson - again - I should never be to busy to help a mother in need. Or anyone for that matter. Melted ice will freeze again - a mother's sanity may never come back. Praise God for miracles of provision.
We would love to see you guys - just come visit us for a while.