I never meant for this to be a part 1 & 2. In fact, I'm not sure how I posted just the title of this - & it may be a mistake to include what I originally wrote. Some things are better simplified. I'm not sure how I just posted the title - shocker right? lol. But I figure that this blog is to chronicle the girls' lives & this is a BIG part.
I've realized that I become a slightly crazed & highly impatient mother when I try to keep the house clean (relatively) at all moments - or at least 1X per day. Abigail seems to think that you must change your clothes at least 3 times a day & of course EVERYTHING goes into the hamper - including the clothes that fell down or were not chosen on second thought. I know people have more laundry than I - I really don't want to complain . . . ok, I do - good grief! I already do about 2 loads a day - I do NOT want to wash completely clean, still folded, socks still together, no smells or stains clothes. I remember wearing the same pair of jeans for a few days before washing them - all the spills landed on my shirt so the jeans were pretty clean. Anyway . . .
Back to a relatively clean house. We have the amazing fortune of having a playroom. That is where I want their toys to stay - in the play room. Is this too much to ask? Really? Apparently. Toys seem to find their way throughout the WHOLE house & Abi & Jillian seem to think most of their toys need a weekly bath anyway - so the bathroom is included. I freaked out one day & yelled that I was no longer buying them anymore toys. Abi told me that was ok, b/c Grammy would buy her toys. I told her I would give them away - I mean NO toys. Oh yeah, it was ugly.
So in order to maintain my sanity I have told the girls that I will not require that their playroom be clean every night (usually before their bath I have them 'clean' up). They can choose a day - one day - and clean their playroom on that day. All other rooms which is mainly the big girls' room, hallway, bathroom & living room need to be picked up daily. Having said that - Abi's response? "Great! So our playroom can be messy & full of toys all the time?" Oh boy - I'm in for a long haul, eh?
The playroom after an afternoon of 'play'