Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Growing Up & GoodBye

The great philosopher, John Leguizamo (actor & the voice of Sid the sloth), once said, "With young children a day passes like a year, and a year passes by like a day," (or at least something along those lines).  This has certainly been the case as I look at you, Abigail.  I cannot believe that you are 10 - double digits!  You have been privileged, as  the first born, to have the most memories of the various places we have lived.  Whether it be the wall of millipedes when we took our daily walks in the Dominican Republic or the fun times on the trampoline in our backyard in Georgia.You are beginning to learn that some memories come with a cost, the price of having to say good-bye.  Sweet little farewells to play-date friends, baby toys, and places we have lived.  As we prepare to make the move to Italy, you have begun to say some goodbyes - tearful ones.  The most recent being your sorrowful parting with Guira.  We are thrilled to see her go to a great home where she will be loved and be able to play, but the goodbye was harder than you expected.

Although this goodbye didn't involve her death, it has been a hard parting nonetheless.  I do not want to minimize loss of any kind - it all stings in different ways and varying degrees.  I do hope that as you begin to experience and understand loss it will motivate you to be more present in the NOW - to make memories that will put a smile on your heart.  I also hope that you will begin to learn and understand the fullness of what it means that this place is not our home, but our true home is in Heaven.  I am fully aware that this is not only a very mature and difficult concept, but that it does not always provide comfort during the reality of painful goodbyes.  I began to understand this when I moved to the Dominican Republic, and believe it or not I am still learning how to live in the now with my eyes on Heaven.

Girls, as you read these words my desire is that you are growing into a deeper awareness of what it means to be accepted and loved as one of God's children.  I know, I start with John Leguizamo and end up talking about our place as Citizens of Heaven.  I guess I want you to know from as early on as possible that you may feel out of place, awkward, different, lonely, or homesick . . . but that is ok, and you are not alone.  As we work and travel together to bring about the Kingdom of God now, we have an eternal home awaiting our arrival and this means that many goodbyes will not be permanent but temporary.  This life will pass quickly by, but God's love endures forever!

- tracy