Sweet, sassy Stella - it is your 4th Birthday!!
Stella, I love that I am able to hold a full conversation with you - singing every word like we were in some crazy musical. You truly have an energy and spunk that equally makes me laugh hysterically and exacerbates me immensely. Whatever you are engaged in - it is 100%. Whether it is caring for your sisters, and tenderly helping them . . . or chasing them down to extract the toy from their arms. You love dressing up as a princess, cheerleader, cat, or dancer & you equally love to climb trees (or anything), play in the mud, or race cars! You are an amazing little girl, and I am in awe that God has entrusted you to us! Papi and I pray for you, and are seeking God to give us wisdom so that we may raise you in a way that glorifies God by helping you fully become who He created you to be! Blessings Stella, and Happy Birthday!