Alright girls, as you have probably have noticed I’m not a frequent writer on this blog (I’m usually the one holding the camera :), but since mommy is speaking at a women's conference in MI and I got to spend this weekend with you I figured I better jot something down.
I know your mom have written endless words describing your growth, laughs, questions and experiences so my focus isn’t going to be on you this time. I want to dedicate these next paragraphs to your mom.
The first thing that you need to know about your mom is that she is my English proofreader. So I apologize in advance for my abuse of this wonderful language of yours. However, beyond any numerical order it needs to be stated that your mom is a saint.
I know that the word saint invokes different feelings, but your mom is a woman who truly loves God, me and you. Your mom is a woman who dreams with the day in which you all will fall in love with your Creator. She talks to me about it. She plans/pushes/suggests traditions in our family in order to have you connected with God.
She watches what, when, how she say things, she tries to give you healthy meals, provide you clean clothes, have a nice house environment, spend dedicated playful time with each of you, assist you with homework, promote Spanish around the house, seek out opportunities for us to have fun “as a family”, get all five of you to church every Sunday, take you to church choir, school presentations, birthday parties, invite your friends over, allow you to try different local sports, play Nintendo wii with you, bath you, cloth you, read you stories and pray with/for you when you are in bed.
You see, right now she is sharing with probably over a hundred young women in Holland, MI. The reality is that every day she does just that with each and every one of you. She gives herself to you and to me on a regular, quiet and powerful way. Yes, I believe your mother is a saint.
4 years ago